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About Us

The Friends of Algiers Village is a non-profit group dedicated to preserving the historic flavor of one of the oldest communities in Vermont while fostering modern use and development of the historical buildings and the surrounding land.

FOAV successfully bought and rehabilitated the 1817 Broad Brook House—at various times a hotel, a dance hall, a public meeting place, and, most recently, a general store. The building and store space was revitalized for modern use while preserving much of the historic details and flavor and is currently a thriving business, residence and meeting space.

Partnering with the Windham Housing Trust(WHT), they had saved the 1815 Tontine House across the road from the store. The WHT restored that building and it now houses seven affordable apartments. FOAVI also sought and obtained for the Town the designation of Algiers as a Village Center with the benefits that offers to residents to maintain their many eighteen century homes. FOAVI consulted with the Preservation Trust of Vermont which recommended that FOAVI, as a IRS 501©(3) organization purchase the store, lease out the store operation to a qualified manager, and continue to rent the two apartments on the second floor.